Contact Euclid Timber Frames, LC

- Charleston, UT 84032
- PO Box 969, Heber City, UT 84032
- Tel: 435.654.1372
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Miscellaneous Information
Our shop and production facilities are always open during normal business hours. You are welcome to visit at your convenience, but we would prefer an advance phone call to make sure someone is available to assist you. Our phone number is 435.654.1372.
We are regularly raising frames, a full frame raising is much more interesting than perhaps setting trusses. Please contact us to schedule a raising visit.
Here's a map and directions to our shop
You are always welcome to stop by our shop for a quick tour. Here's a map and directions. Click here for your custom directions from Google Maps.

Directions from Salt Lake City
Take I-80 east up Parley's Canyon. Just past the exit to Park City, take the junction to US 40. Once you arrive in Heber City, drive to the end of town and take the junction to Hwy 189 (towards Provo and Deer Creek Reservoir). We are about 5 miles down the road. Look for a sign on the left and three barns with metal roofs. We're in the first building.
Directions from Provo
Take Hwy 189 up Provo Canyon. Stay on 189 towards Heber at the end of Deer Creek Reservoir. We are located 1/4 mile past the Midway turn off on Hwy 189. We are on your right. Look for our timber framed sign and three metal-roofed barns. We're in the first barn.
If you're planning to get lost (or if you're afraid you might), jot down our phone number and call us when you get underway. 435.654.1372